Creating Positive Change Through System Partnership, Coaching and Co-production

We are really pleased to update that Sue Bridges (@SueBprof1) at Inspired Purpose (@inspiredpurpose1*) and myself are working with the Kent and Medway, health, social care and community system to develop and implement their Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Collaborative as part of the Integrated Care Board and ICS. Excitingly, we are also providing systemic and individual coaching to the system leaders and forming teams, in addition to providing an independent chair role.

We would like to thank Chris McKenzie (Director of Adult Social Care) who provided his support in ensuring that we embedded a co-production approach from the start. Chris is moving on at the end of this month and his support for our work has been invaluable. Chris said: 

“Zandrea (@InspiredPurpose1*) works with Kent and Medway Health and Care System as a critical friend and a System Coach.  During her time with us, Zandrea has brought essential and robust challenge to the system, enabling system partners to develop our thinking in working collaboratively towards a shared purpose.  Due to her professional experience Zandrea has also delivered the role of Independent Chair to our newly formed ICS Delivery Partnership Board in which, alongside her colleague Sue Bridges (@inspiredpurpose), has ensured that the system focuses upon the inclusion of the voices of people with lived experience and co-production.” 

In addition we have been working with the multiagency workforce in the area, who are so essential in making a real and meaningful difference to the lives and outcomes of the people we are here to support, raising awareness and improving quality.

This is an important piece of work in making huge steps for the equity of autistic people and people with a learning disability living within the large region of Kent and Medway. It aligns strongly with our values and experience, as we are committed to creating the conditions that support collaboration, a culture of creativity, inclusivity and a shared purpose that provides opportunities and a meaningful positive impact upon the lives and wellbeing of autistic people and people with a learning disability.

We’re looking forward to updating on the progress, so watch this space. 

Zandrea Stewart 

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